Jersey Gilbert and Sullivan Society

Past Events

The society’s main focus is to produce the works of Gilbert and Sullivan however this isn’t an exclusive remit… in 2024, a concert version of The Phantom of the Opera was producedat Les Quennevais School.
A fully staged production of "Princess Ida" was performed at the Great Hall at Highlands College in May 2023. The Director and Musical Director were Simon Thomas and Annette Blanchet respectively. The programme may be found here.

Jersey Gilbert and Sullivan Society

Past Events

ffh The society’s main focus is to produce the works of Gilbert and Sullivan however this isn’t an exclusive remit… in 2024, a concert version of The Phantom of the Opera was produ- cedat Les Quennevais School.
A fully staged production of "Princess Ida" was performed at the Great Hall at Highlands College in May 2023. The Director and Musical Director were Simon Thomas and Annette Blanchet respectively. The programme may be found here.